Flow Integrative®

Customer Testimonials

Read our patient experience with Ketamine usage.

Sought KAP for Depression and Anxiety

1) What helped you decide on KAP?
I have been seeking mental health therapy for years. I have felt ups and downs with one-on-one therapy, but things in my life kept keeping me from reaching the full potential of what therapy could offer. I started to feel stuck and stopped moving forward mentally, and my physical health stopped improving. KAP was suggested to me by my therapist. I did the research, and with my therapist’s explanations and clarifications, I decided to start the KAP series.

2) What was your most profound experience during infusion?
My experiences with KAP varied depending on the dose. Once the right dose was found for me as an individual, KAP started to be an escape. At first, I was present, still in my space and still in my own mind. Old memories flooded my mind causing an emotional response. I thought that was what was in store for me and was my path to healing. As the dose increased, I started to realize what KAP was, at least it was for me. KAP was freedom. I was able to let go and take the journey that was meant for me. I was able to leave my present and leave to a place of vastness and tranquility. My mind was able to rest as I explored a place beyond myself and my depression and trauma. I was able to feel and experience a place without pain or anxiety. I can’t explain where I went in my mind, but if I had to sum it up, it was a place of freedom from my scars, my pain, my anxiety, and frustration.

3) What was your experience, post-infusion?
My experience over the two weeks was split up into two parts. The first week I felt what was described as a shock to my mind. I was very internal and quiet. My mind and body felt tired, and I ended up sleeping a lot. As the treatments continued and the dose increased, I started to feel less fatigue and started to open up and engage my surroundings more. As I started to reach the end of KAP, I started to get emotionally closer with my wife; I started to notice things that I had missed, such as the smell of my son’s hair, the beauty of the trees and clouds, or the warmth of a friendly conversation. I found myself moved to a different way of thinking, from a negative way to a more positive way. It was a subtle change over the last week of KAP. This was a place I had not visited within myself for a long time, and the feeling left me feeling grateful for the experience.

4) What did you hope to address during infusion of through the experience of KAP?
I did research on KAP prior to my infusions, but I was not sure what to fully expect from KAP as it really is an individual journey. I was given the basics from my therapist, but I was told to not have expectations and to let go and take the journey and let it take me where I was meant to go. Control, for me, is part of my anxiety condition. It meant a lot to be able to give up control for KAP. I wanted my KAP infusion journey to help me see things differently. I wanted immediate dramatic changes right away, but KAP for me came on gradually. I didn’t get what I would describe as dramatic changes where you can list them out one by one; what I found is that the subtle changes in thinking had a dramatic effect on me overall. It has been more than a month since my KAP treatments, and I am still feeling the positive effects. I am taking fewer anxiety medications. I am less controlling of my environment. I am less scared. I am able to move through the day with more appreciation for my life and what is good in my life. Bad things still happen, but I am able to see it as a moment instead of being my life in general. This is the subtle change that ended up being a dramatic change that I was looking for.

5) Did your experience exceed your expectations?
My therapist did a good job working with me for months, preparing me for this KAP journey. In my opinion, a person should not just jump into KAP without a solid treatment plan. With the guidance of my therapist, I was surrounded by doctors for my care. I had a Psychiatrist, my General MD, and my Psychologist all working together for my care. I was a patient that was fully ready to get the full benefit of KAP. With this three-doctor approach, I got what I wanted out of KAP. My expectations were not set too high, but they were not set too low either. I think this was important in the overall experience of KAP, to let go of the control of the outcome and let what is meant to happen, happen. KAP was what I needed it to be for me as an individual, and the preparation prior to KAP helped me keep things realistic and therapeutic.

6) What is next for you that may be new as a result of your treatment?
Do you think your approach to previous triggers is or will be different? Or do you feel more motivated to accomplish something you have been wanting to do?
I am less scared to experience my life. I have more mental strength to control my triggers and recognize the situations that may cause setbacks. I do feel more motivated, but it has been subtle. I don’t have an overwhelming urge to fix the world; my aspirations are more centered and realistic. KAP kept me within myself and did not set me up for disappointment later. My depression and anxiety kept me from living the fullest life I was meant to live, such as having fulfilling relationships, enjoying the process of my children growing up, but also letting go of the losses I have been hanging on to, keeping me from moving forward. KAP did not do all this for me alone, but it was a catalyst along with extensive therapy that continues to change my way of thinking and experiencing life.

7) Was your experience life-changing?
Overall, my experience was life-changing. I had been stuck in my loop of control, sadness, and anxiety for years. I was unable to see the beauty around me and have appreciation and gratitude for the things I do have, but I only focused on the things I do not have. Going through KAP as part of my therapy process helped me “wake up” to more positive things in my life. When I was at my darkest time, I was only focused on my own pain and suffering, and I was in a closed-loop system and was very selfish. Now, after KAP, I am more able to see things a little differently, giving the good in my life the chance to have an impact. I believe this result is life-changing, especially if one can continue the journey started with KAP with a therapist.

Gregory Breiner,
Hesperia, CA

The most profound experience during infusion was the ability to slow down my thinking and the distinct understanding of my mind and body; the experience was an amazing break for my brain. I’m not sure how others think, but I tend to think thousands of thoughts at a time. Imagine trying to read 100 pages of a book all at once; I was able to read each page line by line instead. I was able to take one thought at a time, which is something I had never done before. For that, my brain is truly thankful.

The perspective I gained also gave me the confidence to know and trust in myself and my ideas since I could slow my thoughts down and fully process them. I feel good. There isn’t really any other way to explain it other than that. I feel good. I was able to truly understand how our minds work and that they are MUCH, much more powerful than we believe. Knowing that we are more capable than we let ourselves believe is a powerful thing and makes you feel good. It also allows you to trust more in yourself and believe yourself before you take any outside opinions.

I am definitely more focused; I believe that is a result of knowing that I can trust my ideas and my mind more than I had before. That motivates me to get more things done because I have some interesting things I would like to accomplish.

J. Bronson

Tessa A
Tessa A
If I could give 100+ stars I would!! These treatments saved my life! I have lived with depression most of my adult life and had been on multiple different antidepressants for at least 20 years. I even went as far as shock therapy in 2014 to manage my depression!!! NOW since these treatments and the amazing stuff at Flow Integrative, I am off all antidepressants and living my best life! My entire family and I are so grateful to have found Christi!!! It was a true life changing experience! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
Christopher A
Christopher A
Christi, and her team helped change my life in such a positive way!! I was weary going into this treatment, it was Christi and her knowledge and caring attitude that made me feel at ease. After completing the treatment I view life in such a positive and healthy manner!! I would recommend this for all who are in need of some real life changing help.
Matt M
Matt M
Christi is exceptional as a medical professional and healer. She creates a warm environment that cultivates a respect for the medicine and a strong container for transformation. Thank you so much, my ketamine infusions were life-changing!
Flow Integrative saved my life. I have PTSD and struggle with anxiety and depression which includes some pretty severe panic attacks. At times the pain and despair is so bad that I contemplated not being alive. Since my infusions life feels worth living again!
Ryan R
Ryan R
Where do I even begin? I guess the staff. Because that’s who you’ll speak to first. After calling a few local Encinitas Ketamine clinics over 7 months, I finally came across the team at Flow. It started with a phone call, describing my interest and describing where I wanted to focus on improving. I had been waffling on 5-meo and K for a while. A week before speaking with the Flow team, I did a handshake with 5. Christi and her team were incredibly kind and patient, and very thorough. The onboarding process was clearly explained, and it was super clear - and most of all comfortable. My first visit was incredible. A warm welcome, a super accommodating group of people with only the best of intentions. Everyone’s probably nervous their first time. The entire team went the extra mile to discuss, explore, and explain was super helpful. It eased a lot of concerns and more so assisted in the ability to truly relinquish what this powerful medicine has to offer. After 45 minutes of walking through a hallway of my mind's doors, exploring every idea and many various thoughts - I returned to this world. It was nothing short of absolutely profound. Imagine being able to walk through your ideas, thoughts or anything with a lens like you’ve never had before. Almost like grabbing an idea, and being able to look at it from angles you’d never even imagined. After coming back to this world and having explored so many things — I was welcomed and had someone to talk to after and take notes to help with reflection then, and now. When everything else has failed, talk therapy, EMDR, ayah, whatever it is you’ve tried. Those feelings, thoughts, or ideas will have an entirely new light in your life. I will never stop talking to others, anyone, everyone about my experience with Flow and Ketamine. The best part is, that this unsolicited review was written after my first visit and I’m eagerly looking forward to 5 or 6 more. Do not hesitate. Go. Find answers, they are within you. This team and the medicine are the keys. Gooooo!!! I literally cannot wait to be back there.
Christie D
Christie D
Life changing. The owner Christi takes such care of the space and all staff as well. It doesn’t feel like a gloomy hospital or a uncomfortable forced therapy type but it feels very personal and like you are with friends. I felt like I was safe and welcome. The staff are professional but are also give such a wholesome and open energy and you can laugh and cry with them without judgement. Love them all! The chairs are so comfortable, the rooms give you a sense of safety and like every crystal and plant was put in its place for a reason. Christi is very intelligent and has a warm welcoming energy unlike anyone else I’ve met. A place of spiritual healing and accurate medical knowledge. Christi knows the actual science to back up these amazing inner universe experiences. I also hate needles and they made sure I was taken care of and took there time to help me through it. Awesome people folks. I recommend Ketamine treatment for everyone but I always direct everyone to this place because of how amazing it is. I will be traveling from another state again just to go here because of how amazing I was treated and the after treatment contact is exceptional! Don’t be afraid to be yourself and express who your truest self is! Nothing but support!

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