What to Expect Series – The Onboarding Process

Welcome to the first post of our KIT – What to Expect series where we will be answering the question “How to Get Started”. You are about to begin a journey out of your everyday consciousness into a more open and clearer dimension of thought and, like all journeys, there is some planning that needs to take place. At Flow Integrative, our simple onboarding process consists of three appointments set around your schedule. If the onboarding process seems overwhelming just imagine it as your way of “packing” for your trip. We are your flight attendants and are here to ensure you have a safe and pleasant voyage. In this article we will discuss our 3-step intake process, so you know what to expect.

Step One

Initially you will meet with one of our caring intake specialists. They will explore your interest and understanding of Ketamine Infusion Therapy. They will ask questions around your mental and physical health, your family health history, and your reason behind seeking treatment. This gives us an idea of your needs and aids us in determining whether you would be a good candidate for Ketamine Infusion Therapy. This information session also gives us an idea of how many Ketamine infusion sessions to recommend and the appropriate information to use when submitting your claims to insurance. You will learn about our financing options and we will review with you how to submit your treatments to your insurance provider for potential reimbursement.

The benefits of Ketamine are cumulative and thus, we recommend following the Journal of American Medicine’s original protocol of six sessions to start.  We individualize treatment by recommending a treatment schedule that best suits your needs, goals, and life outside our office.  Your first session will be “experiential” meaning – you will just start to meet your nervous system.  Even if you are fully mentally and emotionally prepared for the experience, it is the body’s tendency to experience some resistance for the first time.  Most clients will walk away from a single session with some benefit; however, we find that the true depths of the experience arise around your third or fourth session.

Step Two

After meeting with the intake specialist, you will be scheduled with a licensed therapist trained in Ketamine Infusion Therapy who will recommend and oversee your integration session treatment plan. Integration sessions are meetings with your therapist that occur every 2-3 days after your Ketamine infusions and throughout the course of treatment. Research has shown that Ketamine enhances neuroplasticity which peaks between 12-24 hours post treatment. During your Ketamine voyage you may have a spiritual experience, see past loved ones or have new or exciting thoughts about your life. After your medicine session your mind is in a prime state to form new patterns of thought. This is a fertile time to take inventory of your experiences and reflect on your intentions and insights.  Through additional integration or self-guided resourcing, your actions, thoughts, behaviors and even the media you consume during your treatment window can be intentionally selected to enhance the longevity of your results.

During the intake with your therapist, they will do an in-depth review of your mental health history and determine how to best support you through your healing process. They will prepare you for what to expect during your medicine sessions and also answer any questions that may arise. Your therapy sessions are confidential. We encourage you to be open and honest with your therapist and to take full advantage of the time you have with them.

Step 3

Once a course of treatment is agreed upon and you have been evaluated as a good candidate for Ketamine Infusion Therapy, you will have one final meeting. This will be with a member of Flow Integrative’s medical staff. During your treatments our medical team monitors your vitals for signs of distress and remain by your side to service your needs.  During your onboarding meeting, they will discuss the risks and benefits of KIT, and will explain how to prepare for and what to expect during your initial Ketamine infusion. Feel free to ask them any medical questions you may have during this interview.

Congratulations! You made it through our 3-step onboarding process. You are all packed and ready for your trip. After onboarding, someone from scheduling will contact you to setup your onsite Ketamine infusions and your integration sessions. Learn about what to expect during your initial Ketamine session and how to prepare in the next post of our KIT – What to Expect series.

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Take the first step towards integrative wellness today. Schedule your consultation with Flow Integrative to see if our treatment options are right for you. The time for healing is now.

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